Orichlacum (Ori) comes from pantheons and it is used to make veteran troops, which give bonuses.
Adding defence to the pans or pans gives you an Ori allowance, the more defence you add the bigger the allowance.
Access to ori needs to be unlocked manually by a Polemarch, so please ask Lead_Dirigible/ ZombieQueen, and let them know how much defence you will be adding, and they will tell you you allowance.
Once you have been given your allowance and access, you can take it from any pan you have troops in, the allowance is a daily amount , and will not accumulate, so if you miss your amount one day, you do not get to take it the next day.
What is Orichalcum?
How to get Ori
Which pans to add troops
The pans are checked each day for members taking the wrong amounts, please own up to issues.
How to use Ori to make veteran troops
To get ori, send troops to any except these pans:
Caesar's 1st - Pan 243, and 247 which are used for achievements and PvP.
Caesar's VII - Pan 191 used for achievements and PvP.
Go to: Coalitions > Pantheons > Go > Veterancy
Click on "Upgrade" on your units. It tells you how much Ori you need to upgrade each unit.
NOTE: The most common mistake for people new to taking Ori, is to think that the amount shown is all theirs - it is not, The amount shown, is what is available to the coalition.
Every day Ori amounts are checked, to make sure members do not take too much, please report any mistakes to Lead_Dirigible, ZombieQueen